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We Work Together to Provide an Authentic Montessori Education

At WMS, our faculty and staff at both campuses work together to deliver our mission of providing an authentic Montessori education for our Toddler through High School students. All of our faculty members are Montessori Certified educators.

  Name Title Group
Charul Aggarwal Aggarwal, Charul Intern & Program Assistant, Douglas Fir Class Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Corrinne Anderson Anderson, Corrinne Program Assistant Bothell Campus
Kaylee Anderson Anderson, Kaylee Co-Teacher, Redwood Class Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Susan Andree Andree, Susan Co-Teacher, Redwood Class Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Laura Ascolese Ascolese, Laura Co-Teacher, Juniper Class Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Viji Badya Badya, Viji Co-Teacher, Cedar Class Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Sarah Berry Berry, Sarah Co-Teacher, Ginkgo Class Bothell Campus, Middle School Program
Moonmoon Bhattacharjee Bhattacharjee, Moonmoon Program Assistant Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Rupa Bhattacharjee Bhattacharjee, Rupa Program Assistant, Oak Class Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Hillary Brestar Brestar, Hillary Co-Teacher, Spruce Class Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Sara Brogdon Brogdon, Sara Specialist Instructor - Art Bothell Campus, High School Program, Middle School Program, Upper Elementary Program
LeeAnn Brown Brown, LeeAnn Co-Teacher, Magnolia Class Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Shabriana Cabanting Cabanting, Shabriana Intern & Program Assistant, Fig Class Bothell Campus, Toddler Program
Lauren Calmus Calmus, Lauren Intern & Program Assistant, Pine Class Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Yanling Cao Cao, Yanling Program Assistant, Dogwood Class Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Lupita Cardenas Cardenas, Lupita Specialist Instructor - Spanish Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program, Upper Elementary Program, Woodinville Campus
Miguel Ceballos Ceballos, Miguel Program Assistant Bothell Campus, Toddler Program
Kerry Clark Clark, Kerry College Counselor & ID Lab Bothell Campus, High School Program
Lara Clauson Bartnik Clauson Bartnik, Lara Program Assistant Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Marc Cobb Cobb, Marc Co-Teacher, Ash Bothell Campus, High School Program
Devyn Couch Couch, Devyn Co-Teacher, Sequoia Class Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Wendy Coulombe Coulombe, Wendy Director of Middle & High School Programs Administration, Bothell Campus, High School Program, Middle School Program
Kennedy Craig Craig, Kennedy Program Assistant Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Denise Crosby Crosby, Denise Elementary Learning Support Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program, Student Learning Support, Upper Elementary Program
Amal Deria Deria, Amal Program Assistant Bothell Campus, Toddler Program
Neelam Desai Desai, Neelam Program Assistant Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Olivia Detloff Detloff, Olivia Program Assistant Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Jillian Dickson Dickson, Jillian Human Resources Specialist Administration, Bothell Campus
Alexa Dolak Dolak, Alexa PE Specialist, Program Assistant & Auxiliary Coordinator Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Kristina Douglas Douglas, Kristina Teacher, Maple Class Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Sharon Dunn Dunn, Sharon Co-Teacher, Ash Class Bothell Campus, High School Program
Gabrielle Fairbairn Fairbairn, Gabrielle Co-Teacher, Hawthorn Class Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Cheng-Wei Fiorillo Fiorillo, Cheng-Wei Teacher, Apricot Class Bothell Campus, Toddler Program
Patty Follman Cavallerano Follman Cavallerano, Patty Co-Teacher, Alder Class Bothell Campus, Middle School Program
Abby Fredericksen Fredericksen, Abby Teacher, Fig Class Bothell Campus, Toddler Program
Amanda Freerksen Freerksen, Amanda Teacher, Ash Class Bothell Campus, High School Program
Amy Fujimoto Fujimoto, Amy Co-Teacher, Willow Class Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Carol Harshaw Harshaw, Carol Director of Toddler & Early Childhood Programs; Teacher, Pine Class Administration, Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program, Toddler Program, Woodinville Campus
EmmaMae Harshaw Harshaw, EmmaMae Program Assistant Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Chrissy Hawthorn Hawthorn, Chrissy Program Assistant Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Robin Held Held, Robin Co-Teacher, Juniper Class Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Liz Hoyer Hoyer, Liz Director of Upper Elementary Program Administration, Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Laura Hughes Hughes, Laura Co-Teacher, Cypress Class Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Tricie Hunter Hunter, Tricie Controller Administration, Bothell Campus
Jenny Immel Immel, Jenny Co-Teacher, Hawthorn Class Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Lyla Irvine Irvine, Lyla Student Business Teacher & Student Learning Support Bothell Campus, High School Program, Middle School Program, Student Learning Support
Emily Irwin Irwin, Emily Director of Communications & Marketing Administration, Bothell Campus
Shyamala Iyer Iyer, Shyamala Specialist Instructor - Physics/Chemistry & Math Bothell Campus, High School Program
Dolly Jose Jose, Dolly Kitchen Coordinator Administration, Bothell Campus
Frances Ju Ju, Frances Program & Club House Staff Coordinator Administration, Bothell Campus
Carolina Juarez Juarez, Carolina Receptionist & Assistant Registrar Administration, Woodinville Campus
Veronica Juarez Juarez, Veronica Co-Teacher, Willow Class Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Laila Kabani Kabani, Laila Co-Teacher, Cedar Class Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Durga Kanjinghat Kanjinghat, Durga Co-Teacher, Spruce Class Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Harneet Kaur Kaur, Harneet Program Assistant Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Nancy Kestek Kestek, Nancy Director of Lower Elementary Programs Administration, Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Jayme Knight Knight, Jayme Registrar & Advancement Coordinator Administration, Bothell Campus
Max Koh Koh, Max Director of Finance Administration, Bothell Campus
Sean Kramar Kramar, Sean Chief Operating & Technology Officer Administration, Bothell Campus
Ferdielyn Lagmay Lagmay, Ferdielyn Program Assistant, Apple Class Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Aneta Lasek Lasek, Aneta Teacher, Oak Class Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Nicholle Lipp Lipp, Nicholle Program Assistant Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Jordan Listo Listo, Jordan Co-Teacher, Ginkgo Class Bothell Campus, Middle School Program
Bre Loo Loo, Bre Co-Teacher, Alder Class Bothell Campus, High School Program, Middle School Program
Jesse Lyons Lyons, Jesse Program Assistant Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Yejin Ma Ma, Yejin Program Assistant, Elm Class Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Shannon Marth Marth, Shannon Specialist Instructor - Art Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Kaitlyn McElrath McElrath, Kaitlyn Co-Teacher, Cypress Class Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Tim McQuery McQuery, Tim Director of Facilities Administration, Bothell Campus, Woodinville Campus
Carli McSorley McSorley, Carli Materials & Yearbook Coordinator Administration, Bothell Campus
Emily Murray Murray, Emily Student Support Counselor Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Janelle Na Na, Janelle Receptionist & Administrative Assistant Administration, Bothell Campus
Laureen Ng Ng, Laureen Director of Development Administration, Bothell Campus
Ally Noble Noble, Ally Teacher, Douglas Fir Class Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Sunita Pailoor Pailoor, Sunita Head of School Administration, Bothell Campus
Monali Paranjape Paranjape, Monali Teacher, Aspen Class Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Cris Pederson Pederson, Cris Bookkeeper Administration, Bothell Campus
Bhargavi Pusuluri Pusuluri, Bhargavi Program Assistant, Dogwood Class Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Luke Putvin Putvin, Luke Co-Teacher, Ash Class Bothell Campus, High School Program
Sherin Rajkumar Rajkumar, Sherin Program Assistant Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Caitlin Remeto Remeto, Caitlin Family Engagement Coordinator Administration, Bothell Campus
Sun Ryu Ryu, Sun Program Assistant, Maple Class Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Ruqaiya Sabeeh Sabeeh, Ruqaiya Teacher, Pine Class Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Jody Sagawa Sagawa, Jody Teacher, Apple Class Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Poonam Saini Saini, Poonam Program Assistant Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Emily Schlieman Schlieman, Emily Librarian Administration, Bothell Campus
Julie Schwarz Schwarz, Julie Director of Admissions Administration, Bothell Campus
Scott Schweitzer Schweitzer, Scott Facilities Coordinator Administration, Bothell Campus, Woodinville Campus
Atsuko Seckinger Seckinger, Atsuko Specialist Instructor - Japanese Bothell Campus, High School Program
Lisa Shin Shin, Lisa Teacher, Elm Class Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Cheri Sibthorp Sibthorp, Cheri Orienteering Specialist Bothell Campus
Savannah Steed Steed, Savannah Program Assistant Bothell Campus, Toddler Program
Alison Stern Stern, Alison Co-Teacher, Magnolia Class Bothell Campus, Lower Elementary Program
Laurel-Lynn Swol Swol, Laurel-Lynn Early Childhood Learning Support Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program, Woodinville Campus
Meg Venkatachalapathy Venkatachalapathy, Meg Woodinville Campus Supervisor; Assistant Director of Toddler & Early Childhood Programs Administration, Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program, Toddler Program, Woodinville Campus
Megan Wanless Wanless, Megan Student Support Counselor Bothell Campus, Woodinville Campus
Taylor Westphal Westphal, Taylor Co-Teacher, Sequoia Class Bothell Campus, Upper Elementary Program
Valerie Wheeler Wheeler, Valerie Specialist Instructor - Music Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program, High School Program, Lower Elementary Program, Middle School Program, Toddler Program, Upper Elementary Program, Woodinville Campus
Suzy Woodley Woodley, Suzy Specialist Faculty & Electives Coordinator Bothell Campus, High School Program, Middle School Program
Dhunitha Yelamali Yelamali, Dhunitha Teacher, Dogwood Class Bothell Campus, Early Childhood Program
Joanna Zhang Zhang, Joanna Specialist Instructor, Advanced Math Bothell Campus, High School Program