Woodinville Montessori School is embarking on an ambitious construction project at the Bothell Campus to further transform the North Creek Business Park into a school that reflects the Montessori values of providing students with a beautiful and thoughtfully prepared environment. The project will begin in September 2023 and is planned to be completed in December 2024. Please see below for an approximate project phase timeline.
WMS has enlisted the help of JPC Architects to design the renovations and has entered into a construction contract with Schuchart Construction. Both have long-standing, positive reputations in the area and a wealth of experience.
This project to improve our campus is made possible through a combination of strategic savings, philanthropic support from our community, and fiscally responsible borrowing.
Concept Images
September 2024: Families can tour the new Building 2, 1st Floor space. More details to follow.
July 2024: The demolition of Building 2, 2nd Floor begins. Building 2, 1st Floor will be completed at the end of July.
May/June 2024: Painting, flooring, lighting and fixtures are being installed in Building 2, 1st Floor. The project is on track to be completed in July.
April 2024: Walls are now up in Building 2, 1st Floor.
March 2024: Demolition and framing of Building 2, 1st Floor is underway.
February 2, 2024: Families can tour the new Building 3 space before or after their conference time! Drop in for a tour from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
February 2024: The demolition of Building 2, 1st Floor begins.
January 29, 2024: High School classes begin in Building 3.
January 2024: Finishing touches are now taking place on Building 3; High School students will move in later this month!
November/December 2023: Drywall and painting is now taking place in Building 3. Soon, flooring will be installed.
October 2023: Walls are now up in Building 3.
September 29, 2023: The demolition of the Building 3 interior is now complete.
Project Phases
Timelines are approximate.
September 11, 2023 – January 2024: Building 3
Renovations will bring High School classrooms and a science lab, offices for faculty and administrators, and an indoor PE/activity space.
January 2024 – July 2024: Building 2, 1st floor
Renovations will enhance structural stability and create: four Secondary classrooms, a High School workspace/library, a community space with an attached teaching kitchen, and a large classroom dedicated to music, drama and electives. The 1st floor will also house Elementary and Secondary Art, the Innovation & Design Lab, a faculty lounge, and offices for faculty and staff.
July 2024 – December 2024: Building 2, 2nd floor
Renovations will enhance structural stability and create: four Middle School classrooms, four Upper Elementary classrooms, an Upper Elementary library, and offices for faculty and staff.
Safety & Work Hours
Job site safety will be an ongoing priority for both WMS staff and all workers who enter the campus. WMS facilities staff, Tim McQuery and Scott Schweitzer, will be onsite along with a Schuchart safety supervisor. We can expect that construction workers will be onsite most days between 6:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. There will be some days when they start earlier (5:00 a.m.) to minimize disruption.
This is an excerpt from the Schuchart safety policy that they use internally and apply to all subcontractors:
- All subcontractors are to be orientated to the site upon first arrival and made aware that this is an active school with children, staff and parents in close proximity to our work area prior to any work starting.
- No tools are to be left unattended outside of designated work areas.
- Work areas will be defined with a combination of signage, delineators, caution or danger tape, including pathways to dumpsters or containers.
- If children, staff, or parents approach any work area, work will stop immediately. Notify Schuchart supervision to address this. Work will re-start when a safe distance between work and children, staff or parents has been established.
- Subcontractors are not to approach or engage with children, staff or public. If you have an issue or concern, please bring it to Schuchart supervision to address.
- All deliveries will be coordinated with Schuchart supervision so we can ensure a safe delivery time and area.