Supporting Our Children as They Grow
Being a parent means undertaking a lifelong search for better understanding and better skills in supporting our children as they grow. Here are some videos to watch and some articles to read that may help:
Videos from the American Montessori Society
- Montessori: The Elementary Years—See how the Elementary years set up students for success by providing them with a solid foundation of knowledge and independence.
- Montessori Kindergarten: Essential & Empowering—Learn why the Montessori kindergarten year—the third and final year of the Montessori Early Childhood cycle—is a foundation for life.
- Living Montessori: The Parent Perspective—Parents tell you, in their own words, what makes Montessori education special. Go "beyond 2+2" and see the difference that Montessori can make in your child's life.
- Inside the Montessori Classroom—Explore what makes a Montessori classroom a nurturing environment for children of all ages.
- What Children Teach Us About Peace—Peace education is a vital component of the Montessori curriculum. The teaching of peace and global citizenship can transform a child's life and lead them to a more fulfilling world view.
- Living Montessori: Stephen Curry & Family—NBA superstar Stephen Curry, and his remarkable family, tell us how a Montessori education has helped shape their outlook on life in an exclusive interview, filmed at the Christian Montessori School at Lake Norman where Stephen's mother, Sonya Curry, is the head of school.
Helpful Links for Toddler & Early Childhood Families
- Starting Your Child in School
- Taking Charge of Your Child's Sleep
- Go Ahead, Give Your Toddler a Kitchen Knife
- WMS Independence Guide
- WMS Interdependence Guide
Helpful Links for All Families
- Brain Health & Education with Sean Kramar | a WMS Community Workshop - March 2021
- What to do When Your Child Is a Bully
- Stop Telling Kids You're Bad at Math
- Making the Case for a Montessori Education
- Why What You Learned in Preschool is Crucial at Work
- Montessori 101: Some Basic Information That Every Montessori Parent Should Know
- Montessori at Home
- Actions that Help Children Build Healthy Self-Esteem
- 6 Ways to Deflect Teasing
- Defining Bullying Down
- Internet Safety Tips
- How to Keep Kids Safe Online: a Guide for Parents
- Parent Tips on Bullying
- What Happened to My World? Helping Children Cope with Natural Disaster and Catastrophe
- How Young is Too Young For a Child to Be Left Alone?
- Kids and Screen Time: What Does the Research Say?
- The Longest Runway—How Parents Model for their Children
- Declining Student Resilience: a Serious Problem for Colleges