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Current guidance for families

Should a student test positive for COVID-19, they are required to be excluded from school for at least 5 days, regardless of vaccination status. 

Positive test results must be shared with WMS Attendance & Health; all information will remain confidential.

  • Individuals can return to school after 5 days if:
    • Their symptoms have significantly improved, or they are asymptomatic, AND
    • They are without a fever for the past 24 hours without use of fever-reducing medications, AND
    • A negative lab-based or antigen at-home test result. Tests must be completed the morning of the student’s expected return date, not the night before. Results must be sent to by 8:00 a.m.
      • If a student tests positive on the expected return date (day 6), they are required to be excluded through day 10. Students may return on day 11, no further testing is needed.
    • Students are not required to wear a mask when returning from a 5-day isolation if they test negative for COVID-19 after day 5, before returning to school. 

NO, your student may not attend school or other WMS activities with one or more of the following symptoms: 

  • If your student has a fever (100.4 F and above) within the past 24 hours
  • Sore throat or cough
  • Diarrhea or vomiting (two or more occasions in the past 24 hours)

YES, your student may attend school or other WMS activities:

  • If your student has no fever within the past 24 hours (without medication), AND
  • Symptoms have significantly improved

Please email WMS Attendance & Health with all questions related to COVID-19. 

Please note: our staff make every effort to respond to emails as quickly as possible and in order of urgency. If emails are received after 4:30 p.m. or on weekends or holidays, please do not expect a reply until the next school day.
